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Al-te' and Don'te and positive Feng Shui 

מאת    [ 01/09/2011 ]

מילים במאמר: 1308   [ נצפה 4660 פעמים ]

Al-te' and Don'te and positive Feng Shui


After swimming across the pool of the amazing "Yehudia" river, we continued leaping from stone to stone on the upward part of the path towards its' end. In front of us an American family was walking on the path, like us, red and wet. Like us, a father a mother and a few grown up children.

My better half quietly commented "she is also doing "don'te" to her husband"

"What?" I ask, thinking I did not hear well.

"Don't go, don’t stop, don’t take off, don’t take out. Just like you always say to me Al-te Al-te (*the Hebrew equivalent to don't), bossing all the time, all you women are the same…"

Yea, really, what is it with us, women, that we need to manage everything, especially the small stuff (we don’t control the remote device for the T.V., we don’t determine when www III will start, as Woody Allen says, but as for all the rest…)

What is it that makes us so demanding, making sure all the little details should be according to our taste and standards? And what is the price we pay for all the scolding, demanding and disappointments….


A Seminar with Simon

I have learned something recently. Well, I mean studied: a Feng Shui seminar with Master Simon Brown from England who visited us here in Israel.

Simon has gone a long way in life, inside and outside Feng Shui. He is an expert in many fields, a heart-warming personality, modest, grand (quite literally, as you can see in the picture… I too am not exactly short)

He did not take even one minute to talk about himself. If you surf his site you will find diverse content that is as deep as the ocean starting with macrobiotic eating, face reading, astrology, Wabi Sabi (an explanation will come) and many methods of Feng Shui.

The seminar dealt with pure feng shui solutions, but the wind that blew over the face of the water was different than usual. (Allow me to illuminate the double meaning: feng means wind and shui means water). Simons' approach is special.

It is an approach without "Al-Te's" and without "don'ts".


The ideal bedroom?!

It is especially nice to hear and see this after reading his fine book "practical Feng Shui" that was published in 1997, which became an international bestseller and was translated to Hebrew in the 2000.

In his chapter of the ideal bedroom I found quiet a few "don'ts" and a section of "things to avoid in the bedroom"

Want some examples? Sure you do, that’s why you are reading this:

*  Don't leave the bed messy throughout the day.

* Don't allow sharp corners pointing the bed.

* Don't use shining surfaces

 *Don't put mirror In the bedroom

 * Don't use hard surfaces

*  Joined bathrooms in the bedroom are not welcome.

I can add a few examples of "Al-Te's (don'ts)":

Don't set the bed with its' back against the wall of the room entrance.

Don't set the bed under the window.

Don't put in the room specific plants and cacti.

Don't clutter the room with objects or with functions, it is not the place for the working area and not the place for the ironing board.

Don't set the bed against the side wall (leave both sides of bed with a passage- equal rights completely!)

Don't use flashy lights.

And I have more and more examples…


Back to Simon, nowadays he has a totally soft attitude of Zen Buddhism. When I saw in his site that he is connected to Wabi Sabi I understood the sources of his gentleness. The not so known Wabi Sabi is the physical expression of Zen Buddhism. Its original purpose was to create a perfect environment for meditating. Now, Wabi Sabi principals are used, in the house and the garden, in order to bring more peace and serenity to peoples' life that are so hectic quick and demanding.  


Empowering and emotional Feng Shui

Now Simon talks about empowerment. He talks about giving the customer a good feeling. To do what you can so that your customer will feel good.

He warned us against what he calls "No-sibo" The opposite of placebo. Placebo is the drug free material that serves as comparative substance in drug research.

He claims that the no-sibo is like a "threat" that its very existence produces the change in ones' well being and alters his health.

He told us of a person that was diagnosed with liver cancer. A few months later he died. After his death an autopsy was done and it was discovered that he did not have cancer at all. But the "knowing" of his illness controlled his mind and body and brought to his decline and death.

Therefore, he claims, one should not intimidate the clients but take positive actions and affirmations. Just Take care of the flow of chi and use elements according to the rules of Feng Shui to meet the requirements of the place. He talks about emotions and not of targets or goals.

"How do you want people to feel here?" He asked the members of the Airports' architectural team (one of many that he has been involved with the planning).  They answered him: "Here we want the people to feel that the time passes quickly" (about one certain area), therefore he suggested a playful atmosphere, together with light effects and shades that creates interest and prevents boredom. The result is great.

"How do you want your clients to feel at the entrance of UMANA?"  Simon asked Inbal, my very own private jeweler at her studio. "Luxury, prestigiousness and pleasure"  "well then, put your best exhibition in front of the entrance, add plants for natural ambience and let people touch something". It was a demonstration for those of us learning FENG SHUI consultation for businesses.


From now on we shall not say "don't this and don't that…

But let's do this and let's do that, yes here and yes there!


An exciting and fresh attitude for positive Feng shui.


All the best to you all.



The original Hebrew essay with links to the beautiful Yehudiya stream and pictures can be found at my site:

Click here:  http://www.natifengshui.co.il/?p=489


   Click here:  Nati feng shui 


נתי גיל פוגל ייעוץ פנג שואי - יעוץ עיצוב ותכנון, סדנאות והרצאות     054-225.2210 http://www.natifengshui.co.il 2252210@gmail.com

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